The most important pictures during bridal preparation

- Bridal Preparation: it’s not all about the bride, family’s important too! –

Mum looks at daughter during bridal preparation at Down Hall Hotel and Spa

When I’m discussing wedding photography with couples, brides are often hesitant about coverage of their preparation.

“Oh no, I don’t need that?!” they gasp.

“No one needs to see those pictures.” They cringe.

“I’m not really into that!” They pointedly remark.

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This is perhaps understandable: being the centre of attention is not exactly a comfortable feeling for most of us; even more so with 101 things to think about.

What I tentatively suggest is that bridal preparation is a bit of a misnomer that comes with a lot of baggage and oftentimes cliche. For me, and at the risk of stating an oxymoron, bridal preparation is actually (or could be) more about pictures of a bride’s (or groom’s) nearest and dearest.

Family members during bridal preparation

This is a time full of emotion and bubbling anticipation. I am often struck by family dynamics and the support given by friends. All of this is great to photograph within the wider context of a bride preparing herself (or a groom of course) for their wedding.

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Bridal preparation then is a story within a story. People with a close bond played out before the high excitement and scrutiny of the wedding day.

So, a bride may be forgiven for not being super excited about shots of lipstick fine tuning or detail shots of shoes; but the opportunity to capture loved ones at such a time is surely not to be missed?!


All the pictures - Canon FTb and Kodak Ultramax 400


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