Using Holga 120 Camera with Ilford HP5 Plus 35mm film

- What happens when you load 35mm film into a Medium format Holga -

The Holga is a cool ‘lo-fi’ camera that is designed for 120 medium format film. Loading 120 gives a 6 x 6 square image, but it is perfectly possible to load and shoot 35mm film by doing a simple bit a bodging; here’s how…

  1. First, cover the film frame inspection hole on the back of the Holga with duct tape - this will act as a light seal, protecting your film.

  2. Next, open up the back of the Holga as normal and load the 35mm film canister pulling the film leader across the lens opening to the take up spool on the other side.

  3. Insert the film leader into the take up spool as normal, folding it back on itself

  4. Use a bit of Sellotape to secure the film leader to the take up spool or the film.

  5. Adjust the film so that it is positioned centrally in the camera.

  6. Use cut-up bits of thin cardboard e.g. film box card or a business card, to pack around the film canister so that it stays in position i.e. reducing the chances of it moving about so ensuring that the film strip remains centred across the lens opening.

  7. Close up the back and wind the film on about 34 clicks - you’re ready for your first shot! After you’ve taken your first picture wind on another 34 clicks (assuming you want completely separate frames)

Here are a few of the pictures I took - not works of art and some practice needed but something different nonetheless.



Photo-walk with Mamiya C3 and Ilford XP2


Devon Garden Party Wedding