All the pictures - Olympus Pen Half Frame Camera
I recently purchase an original Olympus Pen Half Frame film camera dating from about 1960. It’s a lovely little camera - so simple, nothing gets in the way of taking rubbish pictures! Hahaha!
The ‘half-frame’ bit means the camera splits a 35mm frame into two so a regular roll of 36 exposure film gives about 72 exposures. And let me tell you, it’s flippin’ hard exposing 72 frames!
One of the cool things about this ‘half-frame’ business is that you can compose you shots so that the two frames work together. For example, the two frames might share a similar colour. Unfortunately, you have to remember this from frame to frame and on this roll I got out of sequence early on in the roll. Ah well, there’s always next time.
Anyway, here are all the pictures from the roll. Shot on Kodak Pro Image 100 film. I think the camera has a light leak which appears here and there which will require further investigation.